Monday the 16th of january 2023: year of the rabbit
"If joy comes along, then you're on the right track"
Marie Pierre Dillenseger
We're not alone. We are a team. Let's move forward. Please cherish life. One sign is joy. "If joy comes along, you're on the right track". Vitality is a choice. The most important thing we could lose is life. Winning while losing. The main goal is to feed that durable fuel. When this is done, we achieve our other goals. « Oh ma chère âme courageuse ! Bienvenue. Entre, entre. Je t’attendais. Oui, toi et ton esprit. Je suis heureuse que tu aies trouvé le chemin qui t’a amenée jusqu’ici. Assieds-toi un moment avec moi. Nous allons voler quelques moments à « toutes ces choses à faire ». Il y aura bien assez de temps pour tout cela après. Un jour, encore lointain, lorsque nous arriverons aux portes du ciel, je t’assure que l’on ne nous demandera pas si l’on a bien balayé le trottoir ; là-bas, on nous demandera plutôt si nous avons choisi de vivre intensément, et jusqu’à quel point, et non avec combien de « bagatelles importantes » nous avons rempli nos vies. » Clarissa Pinkola Estés, La danse des femmes sages (2020) / The dance of wise women/ El baile de las mujeres sabias. ***** Today, we talked with Marie-Pierre Dillenseger, author of "Le feu intérieur". (Robert Laffont). We adress the 23 practices the author presents in her book as very accessible practices anyone can integrate in their daily life. I loved her book and I organized a yoga retreat based on her book and with her authorization. This is the card she sent me in order to greet my yoga students at the time. Thank you ever so much, Marie-Pierre.
Episode 58, first season (Podcast Justine Time):
Marie-Pierre Dillenseger identified Time and Space as powerful, cost-effective, yet neglected, key factors to performance early on while deepening her understanding of Jungian synchronicity, ancestor syndrome (A. A. Schutzenberger) and childhood trauma (Alice Miller). But it is a medical diagnosis of “only three months to live” in 1996 that led her to full-time study, evaluation and practice of all aspects of Chinese personal and business assessments techniques. She created PowerSPACES in Paris in 1999. She is the author of several books: La Voie du Feng Shui: Chevaucher le temps, Apprivoiser l’espace, prendre sa place (2016), Oser s’Accomplir: 12 clés pour être soi (2019), Debout: La force de s’incarner (2021), L’Alignement (2022) and Le Feu intérieur (May 2022).
***** You can attend her lecture on the chinese new year on the 28th of january, thanks to this link: This is her website: #podcastjustinetime#walkandtalkpodcast#interiorflame#agni#fire#elbailedelasmujeressabias#clarissapinkolaestes#veryannoyingperson#thisisthepricetopaywhenyouopennewways#yearoftherabbit#alicemiller#marshallrosenberg#circlulodelectura#reading#bookclub#fourthcommandment#backtobasics#sahkti#acupuncture#qigong#walking#freshair#foryourown#love#life#joy#yearoftherabbit#january28thof2023#organic#waterrabbit#bloomingyou#vitalityactivist#lovelife#cherishlive#ifthereisjoythenyouareontherighttrack#melanieberthaud#podcasteuse#french#mexican#english#lifeisaboutgratitude#mariepierredillenseger#alegria#joie#Sweetness#goodmorning#bonjour#wakeupandsmile#smile#wonderful#maravillosa#bella#catlover#travelwithcats#authenticity#music#art#dance#yoga#prana#yogalife#yogalove#yogacertifiesteacher#yogaenfrance#yogaaumexique#yogaeverywhere#moveforward#dontdepleteyourlifeforce#lifeenergy#thisisnotabanckaccount#bepresent#beconscious#stayandlove#juststay#enjoylife
Thank you
Mélanie Justine Marie Berthaud